
Improving document retrieval with sparse semantic encoders

Dec 05, 2023 • technical-posts

OpenSearch 2.11 introduced neural sparse search—a new efficient method of semantic retrieval. In this blog post, you’ll learn about using sparse encoders for semantic search. You’ll find that neural sparse...

OpenSearch adds a new generative AI assistant toolkit

Nov 30, 2023 • releases

OpenSearch is widely used by developers to build search and analytics solutions. One of the areas top of mind for our community has been how to use transformative technologies like...

Announcing Data Prepper 2.6.0

Nov 28, 2023 • releases

Data Prepper 2.6.0 is now available for download. Now you can now ingest data from DynamoDB, improve data durability by using the new Kafka buffer, and automatically connect to Amazon...

OpenSearch Sessions at re:Invent

Nov 24, 2023 • news

Wondering what sessions to attend at re:Invent to learn more about OpenSearch? We've got you covered! Here are the top 6 sessions to attend this year at re:Invent to deepen...

Building custom threat detection rules with OpenSearch Security Analytics

Nov 21, 2023 • feature, technical-posts

The threat detection rules scan log data to produce security findings representing potential threats. Security Analytics provides more than 2,200 prepackaged, open-source Sigma rules to help you identify potential security...

Secrets to improving ingestion with OpenSearch

Nov 20, 2023 • ingestion, clients

While most of the optimization secrets I’m sharing with you aren’t intentionally hidden, they sure felt hidden to me when I started with OpenSearch.

Optimize OpenSearch Refresh Interval

Nov 13, 2023 • technical-posts

Learn how to optimize the refresh interval of an OpenSearch index and strike a balance between the speed at which indexed information is available for search with CPU and I/O...

What in the ML is going on around here?

Nov 02, 2023 • technical

Going from a vanilla install of OpenSearch to having vectorized text stored in a k-NN–enabled index seemed like a quick learning exercise. On paper, it almost looked easy. Upload a...

Introducing a traffic capture and replay solution for OpenSearch migrations and upgrades

Oct 26, 2023 • technical-post

We are thrilled to introduce the beta release of a live traffic capture and replay solution designed to assist users in migrating to OpenSearch. This tool equips users to capture...

Efficient filtering in OpenSearch vector engine

Oct 18, 2023 • technical-posts

With the release of OpenSearch 2.9, we introduced efficient filtering, or “filter-while-search,” functionality for queries using the Facebook AI Similarity Search (Faiss) engine. This update overcomes the previous limitations of...

Introducing concurrent segment search in OpenSearch

Oct 18, 2023 • search, technical-post

OpenSearch is a scalable, flexible, and extensible open-source search and analytics engine. It is built on top of Apache Lucene and uses its powerful capabilities to ingest user data and...

Get started with OpenSearch 2.11

Oct 16, 2023 • releases

OpenSearch 2.11 is now available, with exciting new capabilities for observability applications, an expanded selection of search tools, enhancements to data durability, and more, along with new experimental functionality to...

Announcing Data Prepper 2.5.0

Oct 11, 2023 • releases

Data Prepper 2.5.0 is now available for download. This release includes a new OpenSearch source, new dissect and translate processors, and additions to the existing key-value processor.

Byte-quantized vectors in OpenSearch

Oct 09, 2023 • technical-posts

In OpenSearch k-NN plugin when we index and query vectors of type float, each vector element occupies 4 bytes. This is getting expensive in terms of memory and storage, especially...

Growth and community take the spotlight at OpenSearchCon 2023

Oct 06, 2023 • community

More than 300 attendees—an increase of 60% year-over-year—arrived at the Sheraton Grand Seattle for 3 days of connecting, sharing, and learning with the OpenSearch community. We renewed old friendships and...