
Build high-performance, customizable search solutions for document collections, e-commerce, and applications

OpenSearch platform for search applications hero banner.
OpenSearch platform for search applications hero banner.

Search is a core component of many business-critical systems. For any search use case, relevance is key—some search results are better than others, and a variety of processes can be applied to determine which results should rise to the top. OpenSearch gives you a vast array of built-in functionality and integrated tools so you can tune your processes to your data and maximize the relevance and value of your search results.

With OpenSearch, performance and scalability are built in, so you can manage massive volumes of information while benefiting from the flexibility and cost efficiency of an open-source platform. For document and e-commerce use cases or for embedding search within applications, OpenSearch offers search practitioners a high-performance, highly configurable foundation for search solutions that evolve with your organization, your users, and your data.

Durable high performance
Search massive document collections or data stores without sacrificing performance or durability.
Broad and deep toolkit
Access deep libraries of tools and techniques to optimize search results for relevance and business value.
Tailor to your goals
Tailor your search applications to your business objectives and your data.
Flexible deployment
Deploy on your preferred infrastructure with the cost advantages of open-source licensing.

Key Features

Lexical search tools

Access a full range of functionality for text-based data search.

Vector search functionality

Deploy efficient semantic and hybrid search applications using vector embeddings.


Tailor capacity and performance to meet the demands of your data and your users.


Combine rich built-in functionality with access to a broad range of open solutions that allow you to build the right solution for your search needs.

Use Cases

E-commerce search Search catalogs of inventory, which often include many fields of structured data and relatively short unstructured full-text fields.
Document search Search documents of virtually any type, with data that typically includes long, unstructured full-text fields and some structured fields.
Application search Embed search functionality into enterprise or commercial applications.
Query offloading Replicate data from transactional database management systems (DBMS) into OpenSearch for fast, economical querying without a reduction in DBMS performance.
Artificial intelligence Integrate with large language models (LLMs) to build smart natural-language applications.

Getting Started

To learn more about OpenSearch search tools and start building your next search application, visit the search page in our documentation.
